Can you believe the first month of 2024 has already passed and we are well on our way to another intense, great, challenging, fun, purposeful and loving year! I feel this month has gifted all of these emotions already, and somehow I feel I floated (relatively) calmly with the currents, managed to stay centered, focused and feeling safe. So I will say it’s been a good month for me, and also for Panthera Africa.
We had a great month with many visitors so thank you to everyone that came and shared their love, interest and passion with us, both volunteers and tourists.
We had three animal checkups with the help of Dr Peter, and all the procedures went well. Hurray!! It is always hugely emotional and demanding times for us when our “children” have any types of procedures, even when it’s just standard health checkups. So it was definitely nice to breathe out deeply when all animals were back in their homes, awake and happy again.
One this I really love about the veterinarian procedure is the incredible flow of our team! We are so deeply grateful to everyone for this, both staff, volunteers and Dr Peter for always making these days run smoothly, and for all our trusted supports who share their love via posts, texts, voice notes, funding, and loving energy during these times. I cannot express in words how much this actually means to me, Lizaene and the pride. Know that every word, loving thought and money given is felt at the core of my heart and soul. So thank you!
This month we have also spoken to three staff members that will go off into the world within the next months paving their new paths, and we are also wishing welcome to two new staff members that will join our human pride and continue to fulfill the mission of Panthera Africa. Interesting to me is that the three leaving are males and the two arriving are female, so I guess the Rise of the Feminine is wanting to make another solid push here at the sanctuary. Interesting times ahead for sure. As we all know, staff changes always create changes, both within ourselves and in our environment. Most people don’t like change, and I didn’t use to either. However, I can now say that I have come to actually like change as I so deeply believe and trust in the purpose of life’s unfoldment. The millions of changes in my 44 years of living have brought me right here to this magical place I call home, and I’ve become whom I am today, and for both I am grateful and proud.
So yes 2024 has started with a bang and I have already felt the highs and lows. That is LIFE, and the blessing of being part of Panthera Africa and this incredible beautifully hard journey. It’s the life I have chosen, and the life I will choose again. To truly LIVE and FEEL, no matter if it’s easy or hard. I believe it’s why we are here on this crazy wonderful world of ours.
At the beginning of the year I chose the word READY as a description of how I felt for the year ahead. I still say I AM READY – for what I am not sure of, and maybe a bit crazy to say, however I choose to be brave and serve at my highest level and continue to choose love, joy and peace in my life.