Long distance relationship - Panthera Africa
Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationship

So often we think in order to love and be connected we physically need to be with that animal. The last two weeks on the road through South Africa I have realised that if you love an animal and you share a bond – distance and separation is never a factor.

Achilles my lion passed away in April and I visited his brother, Jubatus daily to just feel Achilles, maybe hear him and somehow feel he is still with me/us.

Well surprise surprise – Achilles has never been more present than these last two weeks. Being on this journey for wild lions I never imagined that being away from the physical place where Achilles use to live, I would be connected to him.

I have never felt Achilles closer to me, within me and by my side supporting and carrying me. My communications with him has never been more open, honest and real, and his guidance is what gets me through most of the personal grieve over the last months.

So keep believing in heart and soul connections with animals – close by or long distance – in heaven or physically with you🙏.

Till we meet see each other again – you are always with me ❤‍🩹

Your heart’s student always,