A heartfelt thank you - Panthera Africa

A heartfelt thank you

A heartfelt thank you to Lizaene and Cat<3

When I came to Panthera I did not expect I would leave an entirely different soul. Being in the midst of yourselves has changed everything about me. I’m not certain I can express in words the way in which you have changed my heart and soul. Never in my life have I met two more extraordinary women, with so much passion, love and ambition to change the world. Your intentions are so bright and open and beautiful. What you have created is a blessing to the world, and I’m sure you’re aware you live in a paradise on earth. But the way you express your thanks is set apart from anyone I have ever met. You both show your thanks by bringing happiness and and light to the hearts every person that crosses you’re paths.

My time with both of you as well as the lions have made me so certain of who I am to the core. My outlook on life, what I’m going to do for the world and my spirit has been captured and entirely changed for the better.

Yourself, Jade and Zakara and the rest of the lions have pulled my hopes and dreams out of my heart and made them visible. And Cat, the time you spent with me made me proud and certain of who I was and what I was going to do, so I could shout it to everyone I meet. The time spent at Panthera Africa has created such an imprint on my heart, and forever a piece of it will be left with the lions there. I have never been so inspired and in awe of any two people in my life, and not only did I get to spend time soaking in your love and light, but I was also welcomed into the family to make a real impact, with open arms. I cannot begin to imagine a larger heart out there. I am certain that no one else in this world is more gracious, giving and kind than the two of you. You have changed me in all the ways that needed to be brought out of me and shown to the world.

Lioness, sanctuary, rescue, panthera africa    lioness, sanctuary, rescue,

Thank you for all you have done for me. Thank you for protecting those precious beautiful lions. Thank you for giving everyone around you light and love. Thank you for helping me find who I am and what I will do.

All my big love forever, Celine (Canada, 2016)