PAW Painting by Baguira - Panthera Africa

PAW Painting by Baguira

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This beautiful art work by Baguira, our Queen lioness, was made as part of an enrichment. A canvas and non-toxic paint is placed near the fence, and the cat can choose to walk on it or not. Enrichment keeps the cats not only physically but also mentally stimulated. This is a downloadable e-file product that you can print on canvas. Either A4 / A3 / A2 in size.



Baguira is our first international rescue. She has come to us all the way from Argentina. Baguira was in a circus from 6 months of age. However the circus ran out of funding and so she was never trained. Because of the lack of funding she was put in a 1.5 x 2m trailer where she spent 6 years of her life and was never let out. She was then rescued by two women in Argentina and moved into a 25sqm enclosure where she spent two years while they were searching for a forever home for her. January 2017 we started the process of getting Baguira to us and 11 months after she was finally safely with us in her new forever home. She settled incredibly quickly into her new home here, in fact she was the quickest animal to settle here. Within 5 days of being in her new home Queen Baguira started to roar. Now if that’s not a sign of gratitude and happiness I don’t know what is. Baguira is wise and kind and is forming lots of special bonds with the staff and volunteers at the sanctuary. Baguira is a beautiful queen – a queen of true love!


A2, A3, A4
