Zorro – My super hero! - Panthera Africa

Zorro – My super hero!

Where do I start to write a blog like this, when my heart is breaking yet filled with so much love and gratefulness for having had the privilege to have been one of your best friends, Zorro?

One of my friends told me today “Life is pleasure. Death is peaceful. It is the transition that makes it difficult”, and I guess that is where I am right now – trying to make peace with that your physical form is never going to be with me again <3 You have been my rock, my buddy, my comfort and strength for so long, and even though I know you are still with in spirit, I really would have loved more time with you here, my bombompies <3

Zorro looking up

I feel that THANK YOU is what I want to say to you, Zorro – for all the things that you have brought to my life <3 Here are just some of them <3

Thank you for giving me the honor of your friendship, love and respect <3

Thank you for showing me what pure kindness and compassion is all about <3

Thank you for always filling me with strength, love and comfort <3 Always in your presence I feel my heart rate sink and my body and soul reconnecting to the present moment, and just being <3 I remember you telling me that this is what life is all about – human and animal, side by side, in respect and honoring of each other <3

Thank you for always being happy for seeing me and walking your loving slow yet excited walk towards me <3

Thank you for sharing your talks and beautiful heartfelt squeals <3 I am smiling here I am writing and that gorgeous sound, and as I now continue my tears are flowing for the longing of hearing it again <3 How I wish to just see you and hear that sound once more, Bombom <3

#pantheraafrica #leopard #relax #peacefulness

I feel you around me, my beautiful man, and I know you will be with me forever <3 During the last week of your journey here with us, you brought me to a higher level of consciousness and showed me that in spirit we are all connected <3 And for this I thank you deeply – for giving me the courage and strength to reach out, believing and understanding more about the beauty of Mother Earth and all living beings, and experiencing the power of the universe <3 I sat in your camp praying out loud with the wish to save you, and I am so sorry that this didn’t happen, but I understand that there are higher purposes and meanings with everything that happens, even though we not always understand it right away <3

I thank you for guiding me to greater harmony with and understanding of life and everything there is, and for the change in my perspectives <3 I will honor you by trying to guide the people the fall onto my path, and I will do it with a heart filled with Zorro-love <3

I honor and celebrate your life and your time here with us <3 I have been beyond the moon and back-lucky to have been with you every step of your life here, and for that I will forever be grateful <3 All our memories are rolling like a movie in my mind and heart, and I will every now and then, sit down and enjoy a movie date of you, together with you <3 I will tell your and our stories and spread your love further, and I will everyday try to climb to your level of kindness, honor, respect, compassion, and the ability to be right here and now <3 Through you and because of you and our journey together, I will do my best to become a better person <3

Sitting in your camp today, I felt you there so clearly, and I did as you told me; to close my eyes to see and feel you close – and there you were <3 sat next to Lizaene and myself by your favorite logs, before you climbed your tree and laid on your favorite platform, with your legs crossed, keeping an eye on all your Panthera Africa friends <3 You are the kindest being I have ever met, and thank you for sharing this with me! Thank you for showing me what gentleness, kindness and love is all about <3

Zorro - crossed legged

I believe one of Zorro’s purposes was to show us pure kindness and compassion <3 So I ask everyone out there that is reading this, let’s honor and pay our respect to Zorro by showing each other and all living beings pure kindness and love <3 Let’s respect every living being, whether it is your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife, friends or family, human or animal – let’s spread positive vibes, thoughts and actions <3 strive to be the best version of yourself <3 always choose love <3 do what is best for one another <3 show respect <3 BE KIND – just like our superhero Zorro <3


With all my love and kindness,

Cat xxx